Greetings. Here are your latest headlines from OHSU News. Need an expert for a media story? From Alzheimer's to Zika, find an OHSU expert here.
A patient-donor’s strong belief in science, knowledge helps OHSU usher in advanced research to help others.
Latino/a/x kids are more likely to receive preventive asthma care, Black youth are more likely to receive care in emergency departments.
Study: Lab-made blood vessels get more COVID when inflamed.
OHSU experts welcome the spring season with advice on using sunscreen, sun-protective clothing, how to perform skin checks.
Make your voice heard at upcoming task force hearings.
Virtual science talks are organized by OHSU’s Oregon National Primate Research Center.
Spring cleaning? Properly dispose of unused or expired medications to help prevent accidental overdoses, environmental harm.
Last updated Tuesday, July 23, 2024.