Good afternoon. Here are this week's tops stories from OHSU News. In addition, see our Featured Multimedia section for photos of Gov. Kate Brown touring OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital, and joining Congressman Earl Blumenauer at a press conference urging congress to continue funding the CHIP program.

Standing with our graduate students

Standing with our graduate students

A federal tax bill that has passed the U.S. House would end the tax waiver for graduate students, increasing their tax load to the point that students could no longer continue their studies.
Empowering Native American communities to eliminate disparity

Empowering Native American communities to eliminate disparity

OHSU receives $3.4 million to expand medical training for tribal citizens and Native American communities.
Researchers identify information gaps about opioid antidote naloxone

Researchers identify information gaps about opioid antidote naloxone

Researchers say more data is needed to understand the best way to administer the drug for optimum effectiveness.
Turning an M.D. dream into a reality

Turning an M.D. dream into a reality

An eight-week hands-on internship program for underrepresented students aims to inspire, and build aptitude in science and health care fields.