Happy Friday. Here are the top stories from this week's OHSU News.

OHSU statement on ACA ruling by Texas federal judge

OHSU statement on ACA ruling by Texas federal judge

OHSU joins with hospitals and health systems nationwide in advocating for quality, affordable health care coverage for all.  
Knight Cancer Institute program funds 17 projects across the state to address cancer-related health disparities

Knight Cancer Institute program funds 17 projects across the state to address cancer-related health disparities

Newly funded projects include the Asian Health & Service Center, which received a grant to help increase culturally and linguistically appropriate cancer resources for Asian communities in Oregon.
Oncology dietitian shares strategies for successful nutrition during the holidays

Oncology dietitian shares strategies for successful nutrition during the holidays

This month’s cooking class via Facebook will feature simple recipes and tips for oncology patients and families.
When it comes to medical equipment, one size doesn’t fit all

When it comes to medical equipment, one size doesn’t fit all

As a level 1 pediatric trauma center, OHSU Doernbecher shares the importance of pediatric medical device development in standard care.