Greetings. Here are your latest headlines from OHSU News. Visit OHSU News for the latest research breakthroughs, clinical innovations, community outreach and expert viewpoints.

OHSU increases minimum wage for all AFSCME Local 328-represented positions

OHSU increases minimum wage for all AFSCME Local 328-represented positions

Increase to $18 per hour is $3.25 more than Portland metro area minimum wage; aimed at improving recruitment, retention.
OHSU study finds significant gaps in menstrual research and clinical care

OHSU study finds significant gaps in menstrual research and clinical care

Physician-scientists with OHSU Center for Women’s Health urge prioritization of sustainable, accessible, inclusive menstrual technology.
OHSU confirms first nonhuman primate model of Usher syndrome

OHSU confirms first nonhuman primate model of Usher syndrome

Researchers now have a model for testing gene therapy as a treatment for leading cause of blindness-deafness.
OHSU coronavirus (COVID-19) response

OHSU coronavirus (COVID-19) response

Last updated Tuesday, July 23, 2024.