Good morning. Here are your news highlights from OHSU News.

Activity monitors only effective when users set goals

Activity monitors only effective when users set goals

Activity monitors alone may not motivate users to be more active, but trackers can have an impact when users set specific goals.
Pass the potassium to lower blood pressure

Pass the potassium to lower blood pressure

A collaborative project will study how potassium-rich diets may help decrease blood pressure.
OHSU Knight Cancer Institute’s Community Partnership Program reaches $2 million funding milestone

OHSU Knight Cancer Institute’s Community Partnership Program reaches $2 million funding milestone

Grants support community-based cancer prevention, screening and survivorship programs in every Oregon county.
Stigma continues to hamper response to opioid epidemic

Stigma continues to hamper response to opioid epidemic

Efforts to reverse the nation’s opioid epidemic remain beset by the stigma associated with drug use, a group of OHSU researchers write in a year-end review.