Happy Friday! Here are your latest headlines from OHSU NewsFor the COVID-19 response summary, visit News.OHSU.edu. For more on OHSU discoveries, health care, education and innovation, visit our OHSU News Media Kits.

OHSU study: Women veterans at higher risk for repeat suicide attempts

OHSU study: Women veterans at higher risk for repeat suicide attempts

First national study to focus on veterans’ symptoms over time, examine difference between genders in risk of suicidal thoughts, behaviors.
Surgeon General’s warning: Firearm violence deserves a public health approach

Surgeon General’s warning: Firearm violence deserves a public health approach

Advisory echoes mission of OHSU Gun Violence Prevention Research Center, working to reduce firearm fatalities and injuries in Oregon.
Hormones associated with body composition during pregnancy linked to infants’ mental health

Hormones associated with body composition during pregnancy linked to infants’ mental health

OHSU researchers say findings present an opportunity for early intervention, improved patient care before, after giving birth.