Greetings. Here are your latest headlines from OHSU NewsYou can find up-to-date information on OHSU's response to the COVID-19 pandemic here.

OHSU expands fetal care program, in-utero treatments for complex pregnancies

OHSU expands fetal care program, in-utero treatments for complex pregnancies

With the addition of two surgeons, OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital can now provide minimally invasive treatments for nearly a dozen prenatal conditions.
First patient of new fetal surgery team: ‘All of them contributed to this success story’

First patient of new fetal surgery team: ‘All of them contributed to this success story’

The expanded team’s first patient shares her experience with an in-utero procedure by OHSU Doernbecher’s new, specially trained fetal surgeons.
OHSU residency programs at local hospitals catalyze community outreach

OHSU residency programs at local hospitals catalyze community outreach

The first cohort of internal medicine, family medicine residents at Hillsboro Medical Center are wrapping up their first year.
Mental health struggles take toll on people suffering long COVID

Mental health struggles take toll on people suffering long COVID

While physical effects are widely known, mental health has been overlooked; OHSU Long COVID-19 Program unique in offering counseling and peer support.
Cannabis products demonstrate short-term reduction in chronic pain, little else

Cannabis products demonstrate short-term reduction in chronic pain, little else

In a systematic review of scientific literature, OHSU researchers find thin evidence that cannabis has clinical benefits.
OHSU coronavirus (COVID-19) response

OHSU coronavirus (COVID-19) response

Last updated Tuesday, July 23, 2024.