Good afternoon. Here are your news highlights from OHSU News.

Oregon Legislature honors OHSU President

Oregon Legislature honors OHSU President

Highlights from the discussion of Oregon Senate Concurrent Resolution 205, thanking Joe Robertson, M.D., for his tenure as OHSU president, and helping to increase OHSU's growth and statewide impact.
Preventing stress, weight-related conditions among bus drivers

Preventing stress, weight-related conditions among bus drivers

About 300 new bus operators to participate in an OHSU-PSU study.
First Oregonian receives artificial mitral heart valve without open-heart surgery

First Oregonian receives artificial mitral heart valve without open-heart surgery

OHSU is the third institution nationally to perform transcatheter mitral valve replacement in new clinical trial.
Getting to Health Equity: When race no longer determines health

Getting to Health Equity: When race no longer determines health

Harvard sociologist David R. Williams presented research on "the house that racism built," the first presentation in a new public lecture series.