Happy Friday. Here are the top stories from this week on OHSU News.

Responsible gene editing research is necessary now more than ever

Responsible gene editing research is necessary now more than ever

"We believe the irresponsible use of this technology highlights the glaring need for continued basic science research."
Ending HIV in Oregon

Ending HIV in Oregon

OHSU’s Partnership Project and HIV clinic focus on treatment and prevention.
OHSU statement on Gov. Brown’s proposed 2019-2021 budget

OHSU statement on Gov. Brown’s proposed 2019-2021 budget

Budget supports the health and well-being of Oregonians.
More Oregonians sharing end-of-life wishes with POLST

More Oregonians sharing end-of-life wishes with POLST

Trends changing in use of the Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment form.