Welcome to Wednesday. Here are a new crop of stories from OHSU News. (This email is still in testing phase.)

End-of-life care wishes can be overlooked if forms can’t be found in a crisis

End-of-life care wishes can be overlooked if forms can’t be found in a crisis

An electronic version of the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment form, or POLST, will ensure that end-of-life care wishes for OHSU patients can be honored.
Diversity and Inclusion Awards recognize, reinforce institutional values around equity

Diversity and Inclusion Awards recognize, reinforce institutional values around equity

OHSU holds annual Diversity and Inclusion Awards Ceremony, hosted by the OHSU Center for Diversity and Inclusion.
June 17: Free rides, storytelling and vision screenings at Oaks Park for kids ages 3 to 7

June 17: Free rides, storytelling and vision screenings at Oaks Park for kids ages 3 to 7

Media alert: Vision screenings, free rides and fun at Oaks Park on June 17.