Un nuevo estudio identifica cómo las disfunción de vasos sanguíneos puede empeorar enfermedades crónicas
January 10, 2025
El descubrimiento abre brecha para nueva prevención, estrategias de tratamiento para el cáncer, diabetes, fibrosis y muchas otras enfermedades.

New study identifies how blood vessel dysfunction can worsen chronic disease
January 10, 2025
Discovery could lead to new prevention, treatment strategies for cancer, diabetes, fibrosis, many other diseases.

Our opinion: Oregon poised to revolutionize future of health care – one drop at a time
June 10, 2024
Authors say when federal government decides which tech hubs to fund, Oregon's history of collaboration should make us more competitive.

Nuestra opinión: Oregón se prepara para revolucionar el futuro de la atención médica, gota a gota
June 10, 2024
Los autores sostienen que, cuando el gobierno federal decida qué centros tecnológicos financiar, los antecedentes de colaboración de Oregón deben hacernos más competitivos.

El centro de biofabricación de OHSU desarrolla órganos y huesos para investigación pionera sobre cáncer y más
June 01, 2023
Con un aporte de fondos por $1 millón se adquirirán tecnologías de última generación para la fabricación con células vivas.

OHSU Biofabrication Hub develops organs, bone for pioneering research into cancer, more
June 01, 2023
$1 million funding will bring state-of-the-art technologies for building with living cells.

New research helps explain how inflammation increases COVID-19 vulnerability
April 07, 2022
Study: Lab-made blood vessels get more COVID when inflamed.

OHSU scientists earn $1.5 million to accelerate innovation, collaboration
March 18, 2021
Unique Faculty Excellence and Innovation Awards recognize some of the most extraordinary thinkers at OHSU.

Lego-inspired bone and soft tissue repair with tiny, 3D-printed bricks
July 24, 2020
Flea-sized, hollow blocks can be filled with materials that improve healing.

Three OHSU scientists earn $2.25 million to accelerate innovation, collaboration
January 23, 2020
Inaugural Faculty Excellence Awards will fund research in marijuana use in pregnancy, new therapies for heart disease, leukemia.