Investigador de inmunología usa la ciencia para marcar una diferencia en la lucha contra la malaria
May 10, 2024
Brandon Wilder, Ph.D., busca mejores vacunas y tratamientos para una enfermedad que mata a más de 600,000 personas al año.

Immunology researcher uses science to make a difference in battle against malaria
May 10, 2024
Brandon Wilder, Ph.D., seeks better vaccines, treatments for disease that kills more than 600,000 people annually.

En estudio, se sugiere que mantenerse al día con las vacunas contra el COVID-19 ayuda a combatir variantes emergentes
April 12, 2024
OHSU se cuenta entre los primeros en hacer pruebas en un laboratorio de bioseguridad nivel 3 para ver si los anticuerpos generados por la vacuna bloquean la infección de un virus vivo.

Study suggests staying current with COVID-19 vaccinations helps combat emerging variants
April 12, 2024
OHSU is among first to test in a biosafety level 3 laboratory whether vaccine-elicited antibodies block infection of a live virus.

Investigadores de OHSU descubren que la respuesta inmunitaria al COVID-19 se fortalece con el tiempo
January 25, 2023
Estudio sugiere que las personas que tuvieron COVID-19 se benefician con la vacuna, incluso si la han pospuesto.

OHSU researchers find immune response to COVID-19 strengthens over time
January 25, 2023
Study suggests people who have had COVID-19 benefit from vaccination, even if they’ve delayed it.

New study reveals breakthrough infections increase immunity to COVID-19
September 22, 2022
Latest OHSU laboratory study finds increasingly potent immune response protects against severe disease even in older adults; potential sea change in pandemic.

COVID-19 fattens up our body’s cells to fuel its viral takeover
June 28, 2022
Compounds that cut off the flow of fatty fuel stop the virus from replicating in the lab, OHSU researchers find.

Booster dose and breakthrough infection provide similar COVID ‘super immunity,’ study finds
April 20, 2022
OHSU laboratory research compares immune response to live virus variants, including omicron.

New study suggests two paths toward ‘super immunity’ to COVID-19
January 25, 2022
OHSU laboratory research compares routes to immunity involving vaccination.