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Nominations sought for 2015 Oregon Rural Health Hero Award

The Oregon Office of Rural Health at Oregon Health & Science University is seeking nominations for the 2015 Oregon Rural Health Hero of the Year Award. The award will honor an outstanding person, program or organization that has improved the quality and availability of health care in rural communities.

“Health care is changing rapidly, but no matter how it changes, it will always be about people. Throughout Oregon, there are individuals and organizations making sure that health care remains focused on people. These heroes make our communities great places to live, and you can recognize their contributions by nominating them for the Health Hero of the Year.”

The 2015 Oregon Rural Health Hero will be announced at the 32nd Annual Oregon Rural Health Conference, to be held October 28 - 30, 2015, at Salishan Resort, Gleneden Beach, Ore.

Nomination forms will be accepted from now through July 30, 2015, and are available on the Oregon Office of Rural Health website.

For more information, please contact Linda Peppler, Oregon Office of Rural Health, 503 494-4450 or


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