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June 15: Media webinar to introduce latest innovation in end-of-life care



Media webinar to discuss ePOLST, the latest OHSU innovation in end-of-life care, and the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) paradigm. Speakers include:

  • Susan W. Tolle, M.D., Director, Oregon Health & Science University Center for Ethics in Health Care; Chair, Oregon POLST Task Force; and Professor of Medicine in the OHSU School of Medicine
  • Ryan Van Wert, M.D., Co-founder of Vynca (the Silicon Valley start up that created ePOLST); Clinical Instructor of Medicine in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Stanford University


Monday, June 15, 10 a.m. PST


Webinar (preregistration required):  

Conference Call Number: 1-800-633-5682
Conference Code: 845120# 


Dr. Susan Tolle convened the team that in 1990 created the POLST paradigm now in use, or in development, in 43 states. Tolle will provide an overview of POLST, key milestones and why ePOLST is the latest innovation in ensuring the wishes of those who are nearing the end of life are consistently honored. Dr. Van Wert will present his vision for ePOLST and how his experience in the intensive care unit inspired his team to create ePOLST in partnership with OHSU.

In partnership with Vynca, and in collaboration with the Oregon POLST Registry, OHSU developed, tested and piloted ePOLST, the design of which is based on the principles and functions of the POLST form. ePOLST will ultimately assist health care systems across the country in more accurately documenting and accessing end-of-life care wishes for patients, particularly in crisis situations.

After a brief presentation, Dr. Tolle and Dr. Van Wert will take questions from the media.

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