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500 area students to participate in candlelight procession celebrating Doernbecher

Kids Making Miracles program has raised more than $10 million for OHSU Doernbecher, provides hope to patients and families



Hundreds of Kids Making Miracles students from Oregon and Southwest Washington will participate in the 25rd annual KMM candlelight procession to commemorate a successful fundraising year for OHSU Doernbecher.

Student representatives from area schools, including Tillamook High School – the first to reach an incredible accumulative giving milestone of $1 million - will join together to “rekindle” the OHSU Doernbecher eternal flame, which symbolizes hope for hospital patients and families.

Staff, patients and families will watch the event from hospital room windows.

Media are invited to:

  • Get photos, videos, comments from KMM students and council members
  • Interview KMM founder Myron Child


Friday, May 13, 2016Students and KMM council members will be available for interviews beginning at 6 p.m. The candlelight procession will begin at 8 p.m.


The procession will start at the OHSU Auditorium, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road, and will conclude in front of OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, 700 S.W. Campus Drive.


Myron Child founded Kids Making Miracles in 1992 after his daughter’s life was saved at OHSU Doernbecher. Since then, students from K-12 schools throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington have helped raise more than $10 million to support OHSU Doernbecher. In the process they’ve learned valuable lessons about the importance of philanthropy and being leaders in communities and schools. Every dollar raised by KMM schools helps OHSU Doernbecher develop new clinical services, fund innovative research programs, test new treatments for serious childhood diseases, address immediate health care needs and take advantage of unanticipated opportunities.  

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