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The science behind breast cancer screening guidelines



OHSU is hosting a free public forum to clarify the science behind evolving breast cancer screening guidelines. Attendees will be able to pose questions to leading breast cancer researchers from around the nation.

Panelists include:

  • Toni Storm-Dickerson, M.D., Breast Surgical Oncology, Compass Oncology
  • Pepper Schedin, Ph.D., professor, Cell, Developmental & Cancer Biology; co-lead, Cancer Prevention and Control, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute
  • Thea Tlsty, Ph.D., professor of pathology and director of the Center for Translational Research in the Molecular Genetics of Cancer, UCSF; director for the Program in Cell Cycling and Signaling, UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Heidi Nelson, M.D., M.P.H., medical director of the Providence Women and Children’s Program and Research Center, and research professor and vice chair, Departments of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology and Medicine at OHSU
  • June Cooley, breast cancer survivor and OHSU Knight Cancer Institute research advocate
  • Paul Spellman, Ph.D., professor, Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics; program leader for Quantitative Oncology, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute
  • Mark Kettler, M.D., associate professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, OHSU
  • Sue Best, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., OHSU Palliative Care Services, clinical social worker and breast cancer survivor


Saturday, Aug. 6, 2 to 5 p.m.


Collaborative Life Sciences Building 
2730 S.W. Moody Ave. Portland, OR 97201 


This event is co-hosted by Susan G. Komen®, the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, and the International Association for Breast Cancer Research. Joe W. Gray, Ph.D., professor and associate director for biophysical oncology at the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, and Judith A. Salerno, M.D., M.S., CEO, Susan G. Komen® Affiliate Network, will deliver the welcoming and opening remarks.

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