Nearly 28 years ago, Myron Child’s daughter Beckie was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma in her left femur. She underwent surgery at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and that experience inspired Child to create the Kids Making Miracles program as a way of giving back to the hospital that saved his daughter’s life.

Since that time, through highly creative fundraising campaigns, including talent shows, sports tournaments and treasure hunts, the program has motivated students from K-12 schools throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington to raise more than $10 million in support of OHSU Doernbecher.
On Friday, May 12, hundreds of these students will participate in the 26th annual Kids Making Miracles candlelight procession to commemorate a successful fundraising year. Student representatives from area schools will join together to march from the OHSU Auditorium to OHSU Doernbecher where they will “rekindle” the hospital’s eternal flame, a symbol of hope for patients and families.
Every dollar raised by KMM schools helps OHSU Doernbecher develop new clinical services, fund innovative research programs, test new treatments for serious childhood diseases, address immediate health care needs and take advantage of unanticipated opportunities. In the process, the students learn valuable lessons about the importance of philanthropy and being leaders in communities and schools.
Event details:
Kids Making Miracles Candlelight Procession
Friday, May 12, 2017 at 8 p.m.
The procession will begin at the OHSU Auditorium, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road, and will conclude in front of OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, 700 S.W. Campus Drive (see map).