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In appreciation of Oregon’s health care heroes

Watch: Public officials, business leaders, community volunteers thank frontline health care workers
An image of multiple people's hands together forming a large heart shape.
(Getty Images)

Oregon’s first presumptive case of COVID-19 was reported on February 28, 2020. Since that time, health care teams have worked nonstop to care for patients infected with the coronavirus. These efforts have intensified over the past few weeks, as cases of COVID-19 cases increases exponentially due to the highly contagious delta variant. Their dedication and sacrifice have helped save thousands of lives, and Oregon’s elected officials, local business leaders and community volunteers express their gratitude in the following videos.

Oregon Gov Kate Brown thanks Front Line Workers in video

Gov. Kate Brown salutes the efforts of health care workers across the statewide.
Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley thanks Oregon’s frontline health care workers.

Mike Hagel, chair, OHSU Doernbecher Philanthropy Board and Tim Boyle, CEO, Columbia Sportswear take a moment to express their gratitude to OHSU frontline workers.


OHSU would like to extend its hearfelt thanks to everyone who has sent notes of encouragement or donated meals and goods to help sustain our health care staff. In response to numerous requests to support our frontline health care workers, OHSU is now accepting individually wrapped meals, packaged snacks, bottled beverages, relaxation items such as soaps, lotions, chocolate and appreciation cards.

Interested donors may sign-up here.


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