Joe Robertson, M.D., M.B.A., will continue to serve as president of OHSU through the end of the academic year, the OHSU Board of Directors decided today during a regular board meeting. Board members voted unanimously to reappoint Robertson, citing the importance of ensuring continuity of leadership as they recruit for his replacement.
Robertson announced his retirement Oct. 19, citing a desire to focus on health and family. He was diagnosed last month with a mild form of multiple sclerosis.
The board expressed their appreciation for Robertson’s 40 years of service -- the past 11 as president -- to OHSU and the state of Oregon, and for his magnanimity in foregoing a salary because he will begin receiving his PERS retirement benefits effective Nov. 1.
David Yaden, OHSU board vice chair, will lead the process to hire a new president, beginning with the selection of a professional search firm and the formation of a search committee, comprising OHSU faculty and staff, and external representatives. The goal, he said, is to have a new president by the beginning of the 2018-19 academic year.
“It is a task at once daunting and exhilarating, knowing that this is a vital choice for the future of one of the most important and venerable institutions in Oregon. An institution that is truly world-class in its reputation but firmly rooted in its mission to serve the health needs of Oregonians. I am confident it will result in a candidate that can build upon the successes of Dr. Robertson and his team,” said Yaden.
The search process will be guided by four principles, Yaden said: “Inclusivity, reflecting the values of OHSU and the state; serving the best interests of Oregon as a whole, in recognition of OHSU’s statewide mission; transparency, balancing the public nature of the job against the confidentiality needed to attract and ultimately hire the best candidate; and we will keep at the forefront our equal and intertwined roles of teaching, healing and research.”