Patients traveling between OHSU’s Marquam Hill and South Waterfront campuses can use a free shuttle service while the Portland Aerial Tram is temporarily closed for five days.
The Portland Aerial Tram, which offers a five-minute aerial connection between the two OHSU campuses, will be closed for routine haul rope maintenance, beginning at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 14 through Monday, Feb. 19. Tram service will resume at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20.
People can hop on and off the free shuttles, labeled “OHSU TRAM SHUTTLE,” as they commute between the two campuses. The shuttle service will be offered during the tram’s normal operating hours, which are posted online. A map of the shuttle route is also online.
Traveling between the two campuses will take longer with the shuttle service. The public is advised to add as much as 30 minutes to their normal Tram trip up and down the hill. Passengers will also need to wait 10 to 15 minutes between shuttles.
The shuttles are accessible for people with disabilities -- passengers should speak with an attendant for assistance.
Shuttle service also will be available when the Tram is closed again for five weeks between June 23 and July 31 for more routine maintenance.
More information about the tram closure can be found on the Portland Aerial Tram website.