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OHSU ‘PDX Skincare Festival’ slated for May 19

Event features free rapid skin cancer exams, tips and samples from skincare professionals, 5K Walk and Fun Run to benefit melanoma research



The 2018 PDX Skincare Festival at OHSU—presented by the War on Skin Cancer™— is free and open to the public. Attendees can:

  • Be screened for skin cancer by OHSU and community dermatologists.
  • Receive skin care samples, tips and services from massage therapists, make-up and hair professionals, barbers, electrologists and more!
  • Participate in the seventh annual NW Melanoma 5K Walk and Fun Run — all proceeds benefit the OHSU Melanoma Tissue Bank Consortium.
  • Ask a melanoma expert questions in a small-group setting.
  • Experience new, non-invasive skin imaging technologies, sample sunscreens, learn about current research.
  • Provide feedback on educational materials and new enhancements to our cellphone app, MoleMapper.
  • Enjoy music, dance performances and enter to win raffle prizes!


Saturday, May 19, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Collaborative Life Sciences Building, 2730 S.W. Moody Ave., Portland, OR 97201


For more information, check out the War on Melanoma™ Event website.





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