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Public invited to learn about breakthrough research, patient care at OHSU

Annual OHSU Marquam Hill Lecture Series features presentations by OHSU experts in dentistry, family medicine, psychiatry, transgender health and more



The OHSU Marquam Hill Lecture Series features nationally recognized OHSU experts who present in lay terms the latest research findings and treatment options in their specialties. All lectures are free, but seating is limited and reservations are requested. Pre-register for each lecture here.


Thursdays at 7 p.m


  • February 21 and April 18 lectures: OHSU Auditorium, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland, Oregon
  • March 21 and May 16 lectures: OHSU Robertson Life Sciences Building, 2730 S.W. Moody Ave. Portland, Oregon


Feb. 21, 2019 – Understanding Trauma: When the Fear Switch is Always On

Alisha Moreland-Capuia M.D.
Alisha Moreland-Capuia, M.D.

Alisha Moreland-Capuia, M.D., executive director, Avel Gordly Center for Healing, and assistant professor of psychiatry, OHSU School of Medicine

Can experiencing a traumatic event affect the biology in your brain? Moreland-Capuia will discuss significant advances in our understanding of the role that fear plays in trauma and new evidence-based practices for effectively recognizing, treating and managing this impacts. Substance misuse, for example, contributes to, and is often symptomatic of, trauma. A trauma-informed approach can help the brain heal effectively and support the capacity for recovery and resilience. Learn more about the science and practice of healing from trauma.


March 21, 2019 – The Case for Gender-Affirming Health Care

Christina E. Milano M.D. (2018)
Christina E. Milano, M.D.
2016 image of jens berli
Jens U. Berli, M.D.

Christina E. Milano, M.D., assistant professor of family medicine, OHSU School of Medicine; and Jens U. Berli, M.D., assistant professor of surgery, OHSU School of Medicine

Born one way but knowing there is more to who you are. Transgender people face infinite choices and challenges as they transition to their affirmed gender identity. Access to gender-affirming health care, medications and surgeries can be critical to their well-being. Learn how research is informing our understanding of gender identity from two OHSU Transgender Health Program physicians, one with expertise in gender-affirming hormonal therapy and the other a national leader in gender-affirming surgeries. Milano and Berli will share hurdles, available services and why living authentically is foundational to good health.


April 18, 2019 – Secrets of the Brain: Implicit Bias and Its Impact on Health

Jeanne-Marie Guise, M.D., M.P.H.
Jeanne-Marie Guise, M.D., M.P.H.

Jeanne-Marie Guise, M.D., M.P.H., director, Oregon Institute for Patient-Centered Comparative Effectiveness, associate director, Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center, and professor obstetrics, OHSU School of Medicine

Our brains receive millions of pieces of information about our surroundings every moment. To cope, we take mental shortcuts based on social norms, life experiences and stereotypes. While such shortcuts can keep us safe, they can also lead to unintended harm. Guise will combine her research with national literature to show how recognizing and managing our implicit biases is key to positive relationships, professional effectiveness and good health.


May 16, 2019 – Machine-Made Human Organs

headshot of luiz bertassoni
Luiz Bertassoni, D.D.S., Ph.D.

Luiz E. Bertassoni, D.D.S., Ph.D., assistant professor of restorative dentistry, OHSU School of Dentistry and OHSU School of Medicine Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program

What if a patient in need of a new organ could receive one right away, without the uncertainty of waiting on a long list? At any given time in the United States, approximately 12,000 people are hoping their number comes up for an organ transplant. Even though we have the techniques to save lives, the shortage of organs remains a great challenge in modern medicine. Instead, what if a surgeon could order a living organ when needed by having it 3D printed? It's not science fiction, but investigative science as Bertassoni and his team use stem cells to explore the engineering of tissues and organs. They've already had success creating functioning blood vessels and tissues. Learn about the frontier of 3D printing organs for transplantation. 


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