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OHSU applauds Oregon Legislature for passage of bipartisan budget package

OHSU will recommend to its Board of Directors reducing tuition increases from the previously approved 5%-7.5% increase down to a 2% increase for the 2020-2021 academic year

OHSU applauds the extraordinary effort by the Legislature to preserve essential state investments in public education, health care, child welfare, housing, economic development and other critical areas during this unprecedented public health and economic crisis. We recognize the tremendous sacrifices that Oregonians have made to protect the health of our communities and frontline workers during this pandemic, and the difficult choices required by our state leaders to respond to its enduring economic impacts.

OHSU is humbled by the Legislature’s efforts to maintain support for OHSU’s statewide education programs that allow us to train Oregon’s next generation of health care professionals in communities statewide. As Oregon’s only public academic health center and university dedicated solely to advancing health sciences, tuition for OHSU students is supported by state funding.

In June, when tuition increases were approved by the OHSU Board of Directors, OHSU leaders committed to reducing the tuition increases should the legislature maintain state funding for OHSU’s education programs. With the Legislature’s actions, OHSU is pleased to recommend to the Board at its September meeting reduced tuition increases from the previously approved 5%-7.5% increase down to a 2% increase for the 2020-2021 academic year.

The success and vitality of OHSU’s programs, and our ability to provide critical services and education to Oregonians across the state, are made possible by critical state funding provided by the Legislature. OHSU is thankful for our strong partnership with the state of Oregon and committed to continuing to work together to meet the challenges of a global health crisis.

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