A burst pipe early Monday closed several patient rooms, operating rooms and supply areas at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, causing damage to three floors and requiring extensive cleanup.
At about midnight, a hot water line broke on the Doernbecher Children's Hospital ninth floor, causing a large amount of water to flood the area and cascade down to the eighth and seventh floors. Nurses and staff worked quickly to relocate all patients to safety.
“Last night’s unexpected wakeup call was scary for our young patients and their families, as well as our nurses and staff — and all of them showed tremendous courage under pressure,” said Dana Braner, M.D., FAAP, FCCM, professor of pediatrics (critical care) in the OHSU School of Medicine, and physician-in-chief for OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. “Our staff responded without hesitation, safely and efficiently transporting patients, all while working to contain the water. We are grateful for their incredible efforts. And we’ll continue to do everything we can to support our patients and staff through the cleanup.”
The pipe has been repaired, and the impacted areas have been cordoned off while cleanup begins. OHSU staff are continuing to assess and map the extent of the damage, and the team will work around the clock until repairs are complete.