On Wednesday, Jan. 11, members of the Oregon Health & Science University and Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) bargaining teams met for a third day of negotiations and the first day of in-person negotiations.
ONA shared survey results and bargaining priorities
In the morning, supported by many bargaining unit members, the ONA team shared a detailed presentation on the results of its ONA bargaining unit survey, as well as covering their bargaining priorities informed by the survey. Those priorities as presented were staffing, workplace safety, retention and recruitment, moral injury, and justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. The OHSU team appreciated hearing the ONA bargaining team’s presentation and looks forward to continuing to work with the ONA team.
The ONA team also shared two proposals:
- A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to replace the enhanced CNI MOU that is scheduled to expire Jan. 15. ONA’s proposal adds a scheduling order to mirror the curtailment order from the existing MOU; the addition of Working While on Vacation Incentive, which allows nurses who have approved vacation scheduled during this time period to pick up a shift and receive their vacation pay, plus pay for hours worked (including applicable premiums), and a bonus in which the amount is based on the shift length of the extra shift(s) worked; and requests two additional wellness days for 2023 (as well as the ability to use existing wellness days through April 9).
- A revision to MOU 6 that shifts call for the Labor and Delivery Unit from mandatory to voluntary. Many Labor and Delivery nurses spoke in support of this proposal. OHSU was not able to respond immediately given the need to speak with stakeholders about the proposal, but the team is committed to providing a response next week.
In turn, OHSU provided several proposals for ONA’s consideration:
- A counterproposal on Article 2, related to Association access and representation.
- A counterproposal on Article 22, regarding grievances. As part of this proposal, OHSU committed not to use a reduction in base wages as part of discipline.
- A new proposal regarding Article 25 (Transportation and Parking) and MOU 6 (Bus Passes). OHSU’s proposal reflected the shift from monthly passes and annual permits to daily parking. OHSU also proposed to expand the reduced-cost first time bus pass currently available only to nurses new to OHSU to any nurse who has not purchased a bus pass.
- A counterproposal on ONA’s CNI MOU. OHSU largely agreed with ONA’s proposed concepts, and agreed to include the Working While on Vacation Incentive beyond pediatrics and to grant additional wellness days. The parties are still working through concepts related to traveler nurses.
Tentative Agreement
No tentative agreements were reached today. The parties will continue to work together before the next session.
Going forward
The teams are meeting weekly for the next six weeks. Negotiations will resume Jan. 18, 2023, in-person at ONA’s offices.