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32nd Annual Oregon Rural Health Conference to focus on local solutions to health care challenges



The Oregon Office of Rural Health at OHSU will host the 32nd Annual Oregon Rural Health Conference, “Statewide Challenges – Local Solutions."

The Oregon Rural Health Conference continues to be the largest gathering in Oregon dedicated to presenting the most innovative approaches to addressing today’s health care issues. Bringing together providers, administrators, patients, activists, policy makers and others who are concerned about health care in rural Oregon, it is an opportunity to exchange ideas, information, and expertise among individuals and organizations engaged in or concerned with rural health care issues.

Speakers will include:

  • Lynne Saxton, Oregon Health Authority
  • Lynn Bar, National Rural ACO
  • Jane Bolin, Southwest Rural health Research Center


Wednesday, Oct. 28, through Friday, Oct. 30, 2015,


Salishan Resort, 7760 Highway 101 North, Gleneden Beach, OR


Registration information and a conference agenda are available on the Oregon Office of Rural Health website.

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