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Joint statement on MCMC and OHSU agreement

Mid-Columbia Medical Center and OHSU Health jointly agree to end collaboration agreement
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Mid-Columbia Medical Center (MCMC) and OHSU Health (OHSU) have a long history of collaboration in service to Oregonians in the Mid-Columbia region. The affiliation began more than a decade ago and has focused on providing patients the right care at the right time, while keeping them in their community whenever possible. 

After several months of conversations, prioritizing continued patient access and provider support, MCMC and OHSU agreed on Dec. 14, 2021, to end several aspects of their formal collaboration agreement.

MCMC’s priority will continue to be providing exceptional care to patients and the community. As Oregon’s academic health center, OHSU remains committed to supporting patient care in The Dalles based on the community’s needs.

In order to minimize the impact to patients and the provision of care, the changes outlined below will happen over time and be communicated directly to impacted individuals. MCMC and OHSU will:

  • End the existing Clinical Collaboration Agreement, which outlined OHSU as the exclusive provider of primary care services at MCMC.
  • Revise the existing Primary Care Professional Services Agreement so that the responsibility for recruitment, hiring and/or employment of primary care providers transfers to MCMC.
  • Allow current OHSU providers to transition to the employer of their choosing.
  • Continue the professional services agreements in the following specialties through June 30, 2022, or when OHSU no longer has any employees providing such services at MCMC, whichever occurs first: general surgery, orthopedics, endocrinology. These and the remaining professional services agreements will be renegotiated on an individual basis as they come up for renewal.
  • Ultimately transition the electronic health record (EHR) used by MCMC from the OHSU EHR to another EHR provider.
  • Transfer all revenue cycle and compliance obligations to MCMC.
  • End OHSU’s participation on the MCMC Board and the Health Care for the Mid-Columbia Region Board.

MCMC and OHSU believe the termination of the CCA and the agreed-upon arrangements for primary care and specialty contracts will give providers the autonomy they need to make their own decisions about their professional future, while simplifying the employment structure.

Over time, OHSU and MCMC will continue to work through this transition and will work directly with providers and all those impacted.

John G. Hunter, M.D.
Executive Vice President and CEO, OHSU Health

Dennis Knox
President and CEO, Mid-Columbia Medical Center

Phil Brady 
Board Chair, Mid-Columbia Medical Center 

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