The OHSU and AFSCME bargaining teams reconvened with the mediator Monday after a marathon session on Friday, Aug. 19. They picked up where they left off, continuing to work with the mediator in exchanging confidential counterproposals.
The AFSCME team provided an updated proposal around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The OHSU team made a public, legally binding proposal, which includes a higher across-the-board wage proposal, a one-time ratification bonus and other items; see details below.
During mediation in the morning, OHSU proposed a confidential “supposal.” Then, the OHSU team also submitted a new, public economic package for consideration. The package is a “proposal” rather than a mediation “supposal” — meaning it is legally binding rather than exploratory. Key financial highlights include:
- Across-the-board wage increase:
- 5% split across the first year
- 4% – second pay period after ratification
- 1% – first full pay period after Jan. 1, 2023
- 3.5% split across the second year
- 3% – first pay period after July 1, 2023
- 0.5% – first full pay period after Jan. 1, 2024
- 3% – first pay period after July 1, 2024
- 5% split across the first year
- One-time ratification bonus:
- $1,000 for 0.5 – 1.0 FTE
- $500 for 0 – 0.49 FTE
- Increase weekend differential to $1.50/hour, from $0.50.
There are many other enhancements to the contract included within the proposed economic package; click here for more.
The AFSCME team provided a confidential mediation supposal in the evening, as well as a revised DEI package.
Teams will be in work sessions Tuesday, and will meet again in mediated bargaining on Friday, Aug. 26.