An Oregon Health & Science University injury epidemiologist will address gun violence as a public health issue during the final scheduled Marquam Talks lecture series Tuesday, Nov. 1, at OHSU.
Kathleen Carlson, Ph.D., director of the newly developing Gun Violence Prevention Research Center at OHSU, will present from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the Knight Cancer Research Building auditorium on OHSU’s South Waterfront Campus, 2720 S. Moody Ave.
The lecture is free, and registration is requested. The event will also be live-streamed.
Carlson is an associate professor of epidemiology in the OHSU-Portland State University School of Public Health and a core investigator with the Health Services Research Center of Innovation at the VA Portland Health Care System.
As part of her presentation, Carlson will describe causes of gun injuries in Oregon and discuss the public health response to this epidemic, including new initiatives that use public health tools to prevent gun injury and gun violence.
Carlson’s center recently released the first statewide report tracking nonfatal firearm injuries treated in Oregon urgent care centers and emergency rooms. The report found that firearm injuries statewide had increased 90% from 2019 to 2021.
Last Marquam Talks
Carlson’s presentation is the last in a series that began in 1981, originally called the Marquam Hill Lecture Series. Over four decades, the Marquam Hill Steering Committee hosted more than 200 lectures, attracting more than 10,000 attendees while enhancing public understanding of OHSU’s missions in research, education and clinical care.