Members of the Oregon Health & Science University and Graduate Researchers United bargaining teams met virtually Tuesday, Feb. 21, in their third collective bargaining session.
OHSU proposals
- Article 2 Recognition Clause: OHSU proposed clarifying language that certain graduate students working outside of OHSU, and foreign students without work authorization, are not part of the bargaining unit.
- Article 5, Sec. 5.2 Bulletin Boards: OHSU proposed incorporating into the collective bargaining agreement existing language from the Letter of Agreement (LOA) regarding locations for bulletin boards.
OHSU counter-proposals
- Article 4 Union Rights, sec. 4.7 FERPA: OHSU countered with maintaining the current language that disclosure of certain student contact information requires consent of the Graduate Researchers in compliance with FERPA.
- Article 8: Overpayments and Underpayments: GRU originally proposed adding a new section to article 8, labeled 8.8, incorporating the Overpayments and Underpayments LOA into the collective bargaining agreement. OHSU countered by separating GRU’s proposed 8.8 section into two sections, labeling them 8.8 and 8.9, to align with existing procedures for student accounts (tuition and fees) and payroll.
- Article 20 Grievance and Arbitration: OHSU countered with updated language to reflect the new Labor Relations department.
GRU proposals
- Article 12, Holidays, Time-Off, and Leaves of Absence: GRU proposed an increase to holidays, PTO and leave benefits.
GRU counter-proposals
- Article 4 Union Rights, sec. 4.7 FERPA: GRU countered with a request for designated emails for the purpose of communicating with their members through OHSU email accounts.
- Article 20 Grievance and Arbitration: GRU maintained that Article 10 disputes should be arbitrable, but agreed with most of OHSU’s proposed language.
Tentative agreements
OHSU and GRU reached a tentative agreement on Article 5, sec. 5.2 Bulletin Boards.
Going forward
The teams will next meet Tuesday, March 7, with bi-monthly-to-weekly meetings as determined by the teams.