Members of the Oregon Health & Science University and Graduate Researchers United (GRU) bargaining teams met Tuesday, Jan. 24, in their first collective bargaining session, which was held virtually. After participant introductions, the teams finalized ground rules for bargaining.
GRU brought forward proposals relating to three articles, outlined below. The OHSU team looks forward to continuing negotiations and addressing proposals at the next session, and appreciates the planning and preparation demonstrated by the GRU team.
In addition to the finalization of ground rules, this week the GRU team shared proposals relating to three articles. These were:
- Article 6.2 – Dues Deduction – incorporating current LOA into contract.
- Article 6.4 – Dues Deduction – adding reference to Oregon state political AFSCME fund as a permissible dues deduction.
- Articles 8.3.4 Reporting and 8.3.5 Frequency of Payment – removing language which is no longer necessary as a result of the implementation of the W2.
- Article 20.3 Union Representation – expanding the use of union representatives and union officers to serve as proxy for a Graduate Researcher (GR) at any stage of the grievance procedure per GR’s request.
- Article 20.4 Non-Grievable Disputes and Limitations on Arbitration of Specific Disputes – permitting arbitration of Article 10 disputes.
- Article 20.5. Grievance Steps – 20.5.1 Step 1 – specifying meetings relating to grievance occur within 14 days rather than at earliest opportunity.
Tentative agreements
The teams reached agreement on the ground rules on the first day of negotiation.
Going forward
Collective bargaining is a process, and OHSU appreciates the constructive start to negotiations with GRU. The teams will next meet on Tuesday, Feb. 7, with bi-monthly-to-weekly meetings as determined by the teams.