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OHSU-AFSCME collective bargaining enters week nine

OHSU-AFSCME collective bargaining

Members of the OHSU and AFSCME collective bargaining teams met May 10. They continued to exchange counterproposals and reached some tentative agreements ahead of the mutually agreed upon mediation starting later this month.

Two tentative agreements were also reached:

  • 24.4 Labor Management Committee (LMC) funding: Provides for a 5% increase in funds for the LMC, which funds the Career and Workplace Enhancement Center (CWE).
  • 12.7 Vacation donation pool: Reduces the waiting period to 10 days, down from 14 days.



The OHSU bargaining team submitted several counterproposals, including a “union package” that bundles union business items into a single counterproposal. Also, in response to AFSCME’s proposal, the OHSU bargaining team submitted an MOU focused on broadening the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DEI) work to all of OHSU.

  • 6.x Exit interviews: The OHSU team countered with language indicating efforts would be made to provide exit interviews for terminating employees during this contract cycle.
  • 7.12 Modified operations: Updated language to this article was proposed.
  • 7.6 Meal periods: The OHSU team re-proposed language to affirm employees are able to take breaks and are protected from retaliation for taking or recording breaks.
  • 8.6 Upward adjustments: Language was re-proposed to allow OHSU to provide wage increases to more than one employee at once.
  • 20.1.4 Termination during probationary period: OHSU included some AFSCME language in their counterproposal and modified language to assist with reemployment and unemployment assistance.
  • “Union representative/steward package” related to union business operations and access to employees: This OHSU counterproposal package increases union time for officers, increases time for stewards by 10% across the unit and incorporates updates from changes in the law.
  • MOU – Daily overtime, weekend and shift differential waivers: OHSU re-proposed language regarding differential waivers, making clear that they would be initiated by the employee.
  • MOU – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): The OHSU team countered the concept of specific DEI proposals being solely in the AFSCME contract, because this work is critical across OHSU. Instead, the OHSU bargaining team is proposing an MOU establishing the Covington Committees as the bodies to consider and provide responses to the AFSCME proposals, as DEI work is an institutional priority.



The AFSCME bargaining team submitted several counterproposals responding to OHSU’s items related to coaching and discipline, among others. OHSU submitted a counterproposal package late afternoon incorporating responses to all of AFSCME’s proposals from earlier in the day. This is different from the OHSU “union representative/steward package” noted above.

  • 5.EX1 Coaching: Language was added that a written follow-up to coaching would be provided within five business days. OHSU proposed clarification around the written response and committed to a follow-up within 10 business days.
  • 23.6 Unauthorized absences: A definition was added, as well as some language.
  • 5.UX13 Authorized leave: The union team proposed language regarding the definition of authorized leave. OHSU provided an alternate definition.
  • 6.8.5 Removal of materials: AFSCME countered with a requirement that managers advise employees about their contractual right to request the removal of disciplinary information from personnel files. OHSU countered with a commitment to refer to the removal of discipline in the discipline document.
  • 23.3.1 Notice of investigatory interview: AFSCME’s counterproposal included language directing concerns related to sensitive investigations be sent to the chief steward. OHSU agreed with this element of the proposal and proposed language adjustments elsewhere.



Mediation will begin May 24, as agreed by both parties. This is a routine part of the collective bargaining process where a neutral third party works with both collective bargaining teams to facilitate reaching an agreement. Because of the often-confidential nature of mediation, we may have fewer bargaining updates once mediation begins.



Collective bargaining will continue Tuesday, May 17.

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