Wednesday was the first of two back-to-back, all-day mediated sessions, where both teams agreed to meet and delve deeper into open issues as they work toward an agreement.
In the morning, AFSCME presented a package around diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). OHSU agrees this is an important topic that should be addressed for all employees. A significant amount of work is already underway, with demonstrable progress made through OHSU’s Oversight and Implementation committees that were formed in response to the Covington report. All OHSU employees have a place at the table, and there is AFSCME representation within the committees. Information about the committees, along with the latest on the Covington response and the regularly updated accountability dashboard, are accessible on an OHSU intranet page and through other all-employee communications.
The rest of the day was spent with teams exchanging a variety of responses and packages — meaning no item can be agreed to individually, rather the whole package must be responded to — for consideration. The OHSU packages focused on child care, flexible staff and Article 27 — specifically work with dangerous materials and exposure to communicable diseases. The AFSCME team presented packages on staffing, preceptor pay, clean-up time and wages.
Work on these responses and packages, among others, will continue Thursday.
The teams are meeting all day today in an agreed-upon mediated session.