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OHSU, ONA collective bargaining enters week 5

Teams exchanged proposals; will meet again next week
OHSU ONA collective bargaining

On Wednesday, Jan. 25, members of the Oregon Health & Science University and Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) bargaining teams met for in-person negotiations at OHSU, and exchanged several proposals and counterproposals. 


This week the ONA team shared three new proposals: 

  • Article 6 (Employment Practices) items proposed included a discrimination-free workplace, language regarding paychecks, expanding the underpayments language, process for position description changes, and clarity on the discipline process. 
  • Article 15 (Leaves of Absence) proposal included clarifying language on jury duty leave, military leave, Peace Corps leave, and new language regarding domestic violence leave.  
  • Article 18 (Seniority) included clarifying language regarding resource nurse seniority. 

OHSU provided several proposals and counterproposals for ONA’s consideration:

  • Article 19 (Posting and Filling Positions) counterproposal, which includes a guarantee to transfer a nurse within 90 days unless a longer period is mutually agreed to with the nurse.   
  • Counterproposal on ONA’s Memorandum of Understanding regarding Licensure. This counterproposal provides notice, payment for initial licensure costs, and insurance coverage for nurses required to provide care in Washington. 
  • New proposal on Article 14 (Sick Leave). This proposal seeks manager approval for medical and dental appointments during scheduled hours, as well as clarifying language around bereavement and the reduction of unscheduled absence incentive to match current practice. 
  • Proposal for a short-term Memorandum of Understanding around labor and delivery call. 

Tentative Agreement

The parties did not reach tentative agreements this session. 

Going forward 

The teams are meeting weekly for the next three weeks. Negotiations will resume Feb. 1 in person at ONA. OHSU plans to respond to the ONA proposals made yesterday, and ONA shared its plans to provide proposals on health and safety. 

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