The OHSU and AFSCME collective bargaining teams met on May 24. Mediation began this week, as agreed upon by both the OHSU and AFSCME teams at the beginning of collective bargaining. During these mediation sessions — which are a routine part of collective bargaining — a neutral third party will work with both teams to facilitate reaching an agreement.
During yesterday’s sessions, several tentative agreements were reached. In addition, the teams exchanged counter-proposals that addressed certain outstanding items as they work toward a new contract. The May 20 bargaining update provides an overview of the outstanding items, along with the current status of collective bargaining.
OHSU’s collective bargaining team appreciated AFSCME’s work, dialogue and candor during yesterday’s session. Additionally, the OHSU team values the AFSCME bargaining team’s continued commitment to the negotiation process.
The teams will next meet on May 31.