The OHSU and AFSCME bargaining teams met on May 31. This was a planned working session following last week’s work with the mediator. Yesterday, the teams reached three tentative agreements:
- 5.EX1 - Coaching
- 23.3.1 - Notice
Both teams worked throughout the day and checked in toward the end of the day. The OHSU team shared several counter-proposals for AFSCME’s consideration:
- 8.6 Upward adjustments: The OHSU team’s proposal was for the employer to have the right to provide upward wage adjustments for an employee or a classification beyond the wages agreed upon in the contract.
- 18.3 Non-temporary transfer to separate location: The OHSU team withdrew their original proposal that Marquam Hill and the South Waterfront would be a single location, and made a housekeeping change to the language for clarity.
- 20.1.4 Termination during probationary period: The OHSU team agreed that employees whose probationary period is extended would be notified in writing with a general reason for the extension.
- 20.2.1 Internal job evaluation period: The OHSU team responded to, and largely agreed with, the process presented by AFSCME for employees transitioning from relief or flex staff.
- 23.6 Unauthorized absences: This counter-proposal by the OHSU team provides clarity around unauthorized absences and is related to the definition in 5.UX13.
The teams will continue exchanging counter-proposals next week.
The teams will next meet in collective bargaining — without the mediator — on June 7. The next agreed-upon mediation session is scheduled for June 14. During mediation sessions — which are a routine part of collective bargaining — a neutral third party will work with both teams to facilitate reaching an agreement.