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OHSU-AFSCME collective bargaining enters week 25

OHSU-AFSCME collective bargaining logo

OHSU and AFSCME bargaining teams met in a mediated bargaining session on Tuesday, Aug. 30. Negotiations have been ongoing for several months, with significant progress made in several areas, and nearly 200 tentative agreements, including subsections, signed.

The OHSU team submitted an updated economic package proposal. Key highlights from this public, legally binding package include:

Increased across-the-board wages:

  • 6% split across the first year
    • 4% - second pay period after ratification
    • 2% - first full pay period after Jan. 1, 2023
  • 4% for the second year
  • 3% for the third year

Ratification bonus:

  • $1,000 for 0.5-1.0 FTE
  • $500 for 0-0.49 FTE

Enhanced preceptor pay:

  • No longer just for training students
  • Positions eligible to receive pay increased from 14 to over 50 positions

Increased vacation time:

  • 2 additional days for 0-5-year tier
  • 1 additional day for 6-10-year tier

Increased weekend differential:

  • Increase to $1.50/hour from $0.50

Enhanced Additional Need Incentive (ANI):

  • Minimum rate of 25% or $10, whichever is greater
  • ANI would be offered before mandatory overtime is assigned

As the day wrapped up, the AFSCME team submitted a notice of intent to declare impasse. This means both teams must submit their final offer on all outstanding issues within seven calendar days.

Regardless of the latest declaration of impasse, OHSU will continue working with AFSCME toward a new contract. OHSU remains committed to establishing a fair contract that provides competitive wages and comprehensive benefits in recognition of all AFSCME members’ hard work.

Previous Story AFSCME notified OHSU of intent to declare impasse in collective bargaining Next Story OHSU’s Final Offer goes beyond across-the-board wage increases
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