Members of the Oregon Health & Science University and Graduate Researchers United bargaining teams met virtually Tuesday, April 18, in their seventh collective bargaining session.
GRU proposals
- Article 8, Sections 8.2 Stipend Levels and 8.6 Other Benefits: GRU proposed a uniform stipend amount across the three schools, along with an increase for each year of the contract. GRU also requested OHSU provide all Graduate Researchers (GRs) with TriMet bus passes and assistance with dependent care services. GRU also proposed language on academic internships and OHSU funding of the gap between GRU’s proposed stipend amount and the stipend amount set by grants.
Tentative agreements
OHSU and GRU reached a tentative agreement on a package of articles, meaning no item can be agreed to individually, rather the whole package must be accepted. This package included the following articles:
- Article 4 Union Rights, section 4.5: OHSU countered GRU’s request for an OHSU email account, with allow-listing GRU-designated emails.
- Article 8, Overpayments and Underpayments, sections 8.8, 8.9, and 8.10: GRU agreed with OHSU’s proposal to move this language to a new article. OHSU agreed to notify a GR of their ability to seek assistance from GRU when they have received an overpayment.
- Article 19: OHSU agreed with several language proposals from GRU. GRU countered by moving language originally proposed in Appendix A – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to Article 19, which provided a list of examples of actions that may result from complaints of discrimination.
- Appendix A – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: OHSU agreed to much of GRU’s proposed language, including that notification of an employee’s right to file complaints with other agencies is met with OHSU’s publication of required materials.
- Letter of Agreement (LOA): GRU proposed an LOA for a meeting with OHSU’s ITG department to address the best practices for the GRU to email their members.
Going forward
The teams will next meet virtually on Tuesday, May 2, with bi-monthly-to-weekly meetings as determined by the teams.