OHSU's faculty and staff will continue to ensure the health and well-being of all individuals in Oregon, Southwest Washington and beyond in 2020. (OHSU/Aaron Bieleck)
Before 2019 comes to a close, we pause to acknowledge the innovation, collaboration and achievement at OHSU through this past year.
Through research in disease care and prevention, educational programs that shape the future of health care, and providing nationally-recognized patient-centered care, OHSU's faculty and staff will continue to ensure the health and well-being of all individuals in Oregon, Southwest Washington and beyond in 2020.
OHSU recognized by Vizient as ‘top performer’ in quality leadership
Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program earns national accreditation
NICU earns Gold Beacon Award for Excellence from American Association of Critical Care Nurses, reaches highest level of patient care and health outcomes
US News and World Report: OHSU Hospital No. 1 in Oregon; OHSU Doernbecher is among nation’s best children’s hospitals for 10th consecutive year
Nature, Reuters recognize OHSU among world’s most innovative universities
Combined strengths of UO, OSU, OHSU partner to expand opportunity for medical discovery
OHSU, Saint Alphonsus collaborate to provide specialized cancer care in Idaho, eastern Oregon
International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection will allow scientists to collaborate on translational research to improve cancer diagnoses
OHSU, UO collaborate on a joint center in biomedical data science to combat cancer with data science
Sky Lakes Medical Center and OHSU celebrate opening of Sky Lakes Collaborative Health Center in Klamath Falls, Oregon
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health breaks ground on a new education and health center
UC Davis, OHSU collaborate to transform health care, graduate medical education in rural areas
OHSU, OSU scientists receive $2 million to investigate muscle-wasting syndrome
New research consortium works to improve treatment of people with rare blood conditions
Army, Department of Emergency Medicine team up for new medical exchange
Alaska Native Health and Wellness Research Center to expand native voice in health, science education and research
UNOS approves reactivation of OHSU Heart Transplant Program
OHSU is the first in Oregon to conduct brain surgery on awake patients, allowing the preservation of cognitive function
New Cryo-EM center at OHSU receives $5.9 million boost from NIH, allows scientists to visualize biological molecules at an atomic scale
- Innovative scientific discoveries from OHSU researchers may help to prevent or improve treatment for conditions including, but not limited to: heartburn, Parkinson’s disease, alcoholism and nervous system disorders, as well as devastating neurologic and blindness-causing syndromes.
Center for Evidence-based Policy at OHSU develops new online resource for policymakers, patients and health care professionals working to address the nation’s opioid epidemic
- Researchers take on malaria, HIV and longer-lasting influenza vaccine development
- Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program earns accreditation from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
OHSU Mission Control offers modern, high-tech solution to historic challenge
Brian Druker, M.D. receives prestigious Sjöberg Prize in recognition of his work to shape the field of targeted cancer therapies
Deborah Cohen, Ph.D. and Craig Newgard, M.D., M.P.H., elected to prestigious National Academy of Medicine
OHSU opens first dedicated Center for ADHD Research in the Pacific Northwest
School of Dentistry researcher earn $7.4 million grant to develop materials for permanent dental fillings
Pediatric patient monitoring app is like having 'team of doctors and nurses at my fingertips,’ mom says
Medical students discover rare condition, which causes the reversal of multiple vital organs, in 99-year-old body donor
Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute opens new insectary to expand malaria research
OHSU designated as Edward R. Roybal Center for Translational Research; Nursing, neurology faulty to lead studies designed to improve the health and well-being of caregivers
Ten OHSU graduate students named ARCS Foundation Scholars by ARCS Oregon Chapter
Gary & Christine Rood Family Pavilion, Center for Health & Healing Building 2 open on Portland’s South Waterfront, offer innovative approach to patient and family experience
Researchers in the OHSU School of Dentistry and Cancer Early Detection Advanced Research Center (CEDAR) engineer a material that replicates human bone tissue, creates opportunity to explore cancer initiation, metastasis and bone healing
Transgender Health Program expands service options for patients
Oregon National Primate Research Center devises new computational method that could help to diagnose and rectify genetic defects with gene-editing tools such as CRISPR
- OHSU Doernbecher trauma experts train 1,000 teachers, staff to save lives during active threats, natural disasters, classroom injuries
Wy’east Post-Baccalaureate Pathways graduates first cohort, assists in increasing Native American enrollment at U.S. medical schools
Department of Family Medicine, OCHIN awarded $7.2 million NIH grant to implement cancer prevention strategies
OHSU nurses take part in product testing for new Nike Air Zoom Pulse, a shoe designed specifically for health care workers; Doernbecher Freestyle program raises more than $27 million to support OHSU Doernbecher since 2004
More than 5,000 lives touched by OHSU Kidney Transplant Program
Knight School: OHSU launches new series of community-facing science talks
Pneumonia prevention: OHSU to test specialized breathing tubes
OHSU funds four projects across the state to increase HPV vaccination rates
Brain mapping: New technique reveals how information is processed
Drug development company ICON acquires OHSU molecular diagnostic specialty lab, MolecularMD
OHSU’s Partnership for Scientific Inquiry reaches 20 years, helps prepare nearly 1,000 Oregonians for careers in science, medicine
M.D. students’ hard work affirmed with another 100 percent residency match rate